
Thank you for visiting . We are pleased with your interest in our leather bags and wallets and we would of course like to keep it that way. We therefore think it is important to point out that LouLou Essentiels respects your privacy and that we treat your personal data confidentially. When you use our website or shop online, we collect various data. Below we would like to explain to you how we obtain this data and what we do with it.


What kind of data does LouLou Essentiels collect when you visit the website?

  • The email address you use when posting comments or questions on our website;
  • Your email address if you communicate this to us;
  • The name and address details that are entered when placing an order;
  • The domain name of other websites through which you came to us;
  • Any other information provided voluntarily.

What do we do with the data we collect?

We only use the collected information internally and mainly to process your order properly. It can also help us to optimize our website. After this your data will be deleted. What we certainly do NOT do is share this information with other organizations. We find your privacy very important. So we like to handle this with care.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is installed on your computer when you visit a website. It essentially registers your visit to this website and ensures that certain information is remembered for a next visit.

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